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Amily Lau
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Arrange the pattern of kimono is so difficult... feel so depressing.... 除了小紋(碎花花紋)及淨色的和服外,和服在花紋的位置上有很嚴格的要求,所以處理[花紋對位]上實在讓我頭痛了整個星期。

Porcelain #BJDs #PorcelainBJD #balljointeddoll #balljointdoll #doll #toy #figure #handmade #DIY #crafts #ArtistDoll #MakingBJD #BJDCourse #lesson #abjd #sculpting #RuddyPeach #AmilyLau

over 9 years ago 11 likes  0 comment  0 shares

This is a antique fabic which I bought from Japan 7 years ago. Prepare to making kimono for my porcelain BJD. 7年前買的古董和布,因為只有1.6m長不足夠為SD製作和服而一直放著。當年散發出強烈的樟腦味,今天打算為自製瓷器BJD製作和服而拿出來,氣味仍然強烈,果然是古董! #Porcelain #BJDs #PorcelainBJD #balljointeddoll #balljointdoll #doll #toy #figure #handmade #DIY #crafts #ArtistDoll #MakingBJD #BJDCourse #lesson #abjd #sculpting #RuddyPeach #amilylau

over 9 years ago 16 likes  0 comment  0 shares

7年前買的古董和布,因為只有1.6m長不足夠為SD製作和服而一直放著。當年散發出強烈的樟腦味,今天打算為自製瓷器BJD製作和服而拿出來,氣味仍然強烈,果然是古董。 #球體關節人形##瓷器BJD##BJD##自製BJD##PorcelainBJD##創作人偶##balljointdoll#


Fever over 38 degrees 3 days, feel so weak. 腸胃炎連續3天發燒超過38度,無力……

over 9 years ago 8 likes  0 comment  0 shares

新的瓷器BJD頭高溫窯燒完成! 未上釉彩,開口露出門牙的她已經很可愛! #球體關節人形##瓷器BJD##BJD##自製BJD##PorcelainBJD##創作人偶##balljointdoll#

New head of my handmade porcelain BJD is coming soon. I love her open mouth with upper teeth, so cute. 新的瓷器BJD頭高溫窯燒完成!開 未上釉彩,開口露出門牙的她已經得可愛!

Porcelain #BJDs #PorcelainBJD #balljointeddoll #balljointdoll #doll #toy #figure #handmade #DIY #crafts #ArtistDoll #MakingBJD #BJDCourse #lesson #abjd #sculpting #RuddyPeach #AmilyLau

almost 10 years ago 33 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Happy Chinese New Year!

Porcelain #BJDs #PorcelainBJD #balljointeddoll #balljointdoll #doll #toy #figure #handmade #DIY #crafts #ArtistDoll #MakingBJD #BJDCourse #lesson #abjd #sculpting #RuddyPeach #AmilyLau

almost 10 years ago 34 likes  0 comment  0 shares

恭喜發財~! 今日初七人日,人人生日, 祝各位心想事成, 萬事勝意! #球體關節人形##瓷器BJD##BJD##自製BJD##PorcelainBJD##創作人偶##balljointdoll#

弄好清潔,工作室正式放農曆年假期直至3月1日。 #球體關節人形##瓷器BJD##BJD##自製BJD##PorcelainBJD##創作人偶##balljointdoll#


小妹是香港瓷器球體關節人形(Porcelain Ball-Joint Doll)的藝術家及香港微型藝術會會員,請多多指教!I'm the Artist of Porcelain BJD & Miniature in Hong Kong.

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Hong Kong, Hong Kong