Official Artist
Amily Lau
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Pray for Paris

about 9 years ago 6 likes  0 comment  0 shares

4hrs in flight and 3hrs in train. Long time in transportation.?? So tired.

about 9 years ago 5 likes  0 comment  0 shares

由於一直是自學製作bjd關係,所以到現在還是無法掌握好瓷娃燒製的技術。為了提升自己,終於下定決心到日本苦學,向專家求教。 #球體關節人形##瓷器BJD##BJD##自製BJD##PorcelainBJD##創作人偶##balljointdoll# http://t.cn/R2WxswF

about 9 years ago 2 likes  0 comment  0 shares

For improvement the technique of making porcelain doll, just go to Japan and study hard from the professional. 由於一直是自學製作bjd關係,所以到現在還是無法掌握好瓷娃燒製的技術。為了提升自己,終於下定決心到日本苦學,向專家求教。

Porcelain #BJDs #PorcelainBJD #balljointeddoll #balljointdoll #doll #toy #figure #handmade #DIY #crafts #ArtistDoll #MakingBJD #BJDCourse #lesson #abjd #sculpting #RuddyPeach #人偶 #娃娃 #公仔 #球體關節人形 #ドール #AmilyLau

about 9 years ago 12 likes  0 comment  0 shares

「球體關節人形製作-初階班」學生Rain為她的新作bjd化妝。 #球體關節人形##瓷器BJD##BJD##自製BJD##PorcelainBJD##創作人偶# http://t.cn/RUc3tF8

about 9 years ago 1 like  0 comment  1 share

My student Rain finished painting make-up her new bjd. 「球體關節人形製作-初階班」學生Rain為她的新作bjd化妝。


Porcelain #BJDs #PorcelainBJD #balljointeddoll #balljointdoll #doll #toy #figure #handmade #DIY #crafts #ArtistDoll #MakingBJD #BJDCourse #lesson #abjd #sculpting #RuddyPeach #人偶 #娃娃 #公仔 #球體關節人形 #ドール #amilylau

about 9 years ago 19 likes  0 comment  0 shares

「球體關節人形製作-入門班」學生Cliff的bjd比預期早完成,特別為他安排1日的縫製娃衣課程。他的作品穿了衣服很可愛呢! #球體關節人形##瓷器BJD##BJD##自製BJD##PorcelainBJD##創作人偶##balljointdoll# http://t.cn/RUc3tF8

about 9 years ago 1 like  0 comment  0 shares

My student Cliff Chan finished his 1st handmade bjd earlier than expected. So, l arranged a 1 day simple sewing course for him specially. 「球體關節人形製作-入門班」學生Cliff的bjd比預期早完成,特別為他安排1日的縫製娃衣課程。他的作品穿了衣服很可愛呢!

Porcelain #BJDs #PorcelainBJD #balljointeddoll #balljointdoll #doll #toy #figure #handmade #DIY #crafts #ArtistDoll #MakingBJD #BJDCourse #lesson #abjd #sculpting #RuddyPeach #人偶 #娃娃 #公仔 #球體關節人形 #ドール #AmilyLau

about 9 years ago 28 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Making the foam core of sample doll for an intermediate level BJD's sculpture course. 完成娃芯啦!希望可以快些動手製作「進階bjd製作課程」範例人偶。

Porcelain #BJDs #PorcelainBJD #balljointeddoll #balljointdoll #doll #toy #figure #handmade #DIY #crafts #ArtistDoll #MakingBJD #BJDCourse #lesson #abjd #sculpting #RuddyPeach #人偶 #娃娃 #公仔 #球體關節人形 #ドール #AmilyLau

about 9 years ago 17 likes  0 comment  0 shares

My student Cliff finished the make-up and strings up his 1st handmade bjd. 「球體關節人形製作-入門班」學生Cliff正組合他的新作bjd。

Porcelain #BJDs #PorcelainBJD #balljointeddoll #balljointdoll #doll #toy #figure #handmade #DIY #crafts #ArtistDoll #MakingBJD #BJDCourse #lesson #abjd #sculpting #RuddyPeach #人偶 #娃娃 #公仔 #球體關節人形 #ドール #AmilyLau

about 9 years ago 25 likes  0 comment  0 shares


小妹是香港瓷器球體關節人形(Porcelain Ball-Joint Doll)的藝術家及香港微型藝術會會員,請多多指教!I'm the Artist of Porcelain BJD & Miniature in Hong Kong.

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Hong Kong, Hong Kong