Andres Useche
导演, 製片人, 编剧, 作曲家, 歌手
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trailer for our Human Rights film "Aun Aqui" / avance de "Aún aquí" /UPDATED w/film

This is the first TRAILER for " Aun Aqui " (Still Here) a film that depicts the plight of a young anti-war activist kidnapped in Colombia, South America and tells of her family's struggle to find her. Beyond politics, the film focuses instead on the basic universal human need for freedom. The prisoner holds on to her memories, attempting to retain her identity and her sanity but with the passage of time her sense of self fades and she discove...Read more

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trailer for our Human Rights film "Aun Aqui" / avance de "Aún aquí" /UPDATED w/film

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Oceans: Sylvia Earle's Journey (video)

Oceans - Sylvia Earle's Journey from Andres Useche on Vimeo.

As a director on this I had the amazing opportunity to learn directly from a true environmental hero, Sylvia Earle. Please heed her words of wisdom about the beauty and fragility of our marine life, watch Disney's Oceans, vote, volunteer or donate at takepart.com and support the D...Read more

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Oceans: Sylvia Earle's Journey (video)

Oceans - Sylvia Earle's Journey from Andres Useche on Vimeo.

As a director on this I had the amazing opportunity to learn directly from a true environmental hero, Sylvia Earle. Please heed her words of wisdom about the beauty and fragility of our marine life, watch Disney's Oceans, vote, volunteer or donate at takepart.com and support the D...Read more

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Oceans: Sylvia Earle's Journey (video)

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1st trailer for our Human Rights film "Aun Aqui" / avance de "Aún aquí"

1st TRAILER for "Aun Aqui" (aka "Still Here"), a film that goes beyond left and right and speaks about the universal need for freedom. Written, directed and scored by Andres Useche, the film stars Tatiana Hurtado, Sergio Naranjo and Martha Arcila Rincon.

/trailer promocional de "Aún aquí", un corto dirigido por Andres Useche y producido con la Universidad de Caldas,con arte, iluminacion y escenografia por Imagen Mobil de Diseno Vi...Read more

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For Immigration Reform: Marching into the Light (Music Video) + tv interview

I wrote this song in protest of SB1070. (UPDATE: Congratulations Arizona on voting Russell Pearce OUT of office! ) Share this video in support of immigration reform and the DREAM Act and please join us in the struggle to end discrimination and prejudice. (Free song download on music player on the left column <<<< )Let's cherish the diversity which has always been a part of these United States and which has propelled this nation into becoming, at its best, a beacon of...Read more

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For Immigration Reform: Marching into the Light (Music Video) + tv interview

I wrote this song in protest of SB1070. (UPDATE: Congratulations Arizona on voting Russell Pearce OUT of office! ) Share this video in support of immigration reform and the DREAM Act and please join us in the struggle to end discrimination and prejudice. (Free song download on music player on the left column <<<< )Let's cherish the diversity which has always been a part of these United States and which has propelled this nation into becoming, at its best, a beacon of...Read more

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For Immigration Reform: Marching into the Light (Music Video) + tv interview

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Take a listen to "Marching into the Light", new song I wrote against the racist immigration law that passed in Arizona - Photo

sell music online

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I make films, music and art. http://andresuseche.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/andres1


Los Angeles, United States
September 16, 2008