Cosecha del Diablo
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RT @IBNADAMA: For who tweet #NotInMyName, when #Muslims do some things it is #InTheNameOfAllah and not in your name.

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RT @i_magpie: Never trust those who denied Syrians weapons & didn't protect one child from Assad for 3.5 years. #Syria http://t.co/hmO1DOki…

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RT @ItsJustMe7o7: Some of the first images of the US airstrikes in Syria

Pray for the civilians who have nouthing to do with this


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RT @RevolutionSyria: We are a nation paying the heaviest price for freedom & dignity and are being slaughtered in our homes by Assad’s gang…

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RT @AbuBakrHijaz: The Muslim who leaves his house 2 go and defend Muslims but falls into mistakes is better than all coconut Muslims combin…

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I will destroy anyone who is against #ALLAH SWT, His #Prophet, #Islam and #Muslims. I'll crush you down! Bi-idzni-llah!

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RT @Maestrouzy: Gaza! http://t.co/hIodYSRHcd

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RT @cnnbrk: France to give Iraqi fighters air support against ISIS, "will act" when targets identified, President Hollande says. http://t.c…

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RT @NoticiasAIN: Israel desplazará 12.500 beduinos http://t.co/cwrHCoVRmS

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RT @ForeignAffairs: The U.S. air campaign against ISIS already exceeds airstrikes in Yemen and Somalia in intensity: http://t.co/FeDbtjSHD2

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©2009-2017 Grupo Naya Argentina™ www.gruponaya.com ® twitter:@CosechadeDiablo facebook/CosechaDelDiablo


Buenos Aires, Argentina
January 29, 2009