Cosecha del Diablo
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RT @Marwouantounsi: This type of picture of US backed sectarian shi'a militia beheading Sunnis, you will not see in the media. http://t.co/…

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@Marwouantounsi I support the #ISIS ideologically, monetary and spiritually.

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RT @Marwouantounsi: RT Insh'Allah: This is an extract of Counter terrorism center (West Point Military academy) document : http://t.co/yDpA…

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RT @ValeriaCortesM: Siento informarte @homerochiques que las pruebas de uso de niños como escudos son -TODAS- contra ISRAEL recogidas en in…

10 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  31 shares

RT @Niqab_lovers: Freedom doesn't lie in nudity or immodesty. Real freedom lies in modesty and security. Our Hijab & Niqab define our freed…

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RT @Niqab_lovers: The Niqab has helped me to become more independent. I know that no one's opinion matters but Allah's. If I can please Him…

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RT @Niqab_lovers: The best kind of respect comes when you respect yourself & your body and it's only when you respect yourself, that people…

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RT @Niqab_lovers: In my Niqab lies my honour as a Muslimah. It shows that I don’t bow down to the demands of this world or fashion: I only …

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RT @Niqab_lovers: My Hijab and Niqab is my dignity, my respect and my honour and I will never ever trade it for this temporary world.

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RT @Niqab_lovers: Money can never buy pride, nor can any worldly attention make you dignified & most importantly, exposing your beauty can …

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©2009-2017 Grupo Naya Argentina™ www.gruponaya.com ® twitter:@CosechadeDiablo facebook/CosechaDelDiablo


Buenos Aires, Argentina
January 29, 2009