RT @AlArabiya: الاثنين.. عيد الفطر في السعودية والإمارات وفلسطين http://t.co/pcoxcZiQAh
@Christine_Habib Zionist entity is #infanticide.
RT @Christine_Habib: I'm proud being attacked by Israeli press. And yes, Erdogan is right. And yes, Israel is nothing but children killer. …
RT @rockymodi: @ChristineHabib yes, you are right. israel is nothing but coward people...shame on israel..keep it up madam
RT @IlyaasElBadr: Announcement from Saudi High Judicial Council: Eid-ul-Fitr will be on Monday 28th July 2014.
RT @CNN: British and U.S. diplomats are evacuated out of Libya as militia fighting rages on. http://t.co/y7WKGPWWal
RT @NoticiasAIN: Ecuatorianos piden al Gobierno del país romper relaciones con Israel http://t.co/kYuno5g9qh
RT @iFalasteen: After Israel bombed the masjed in Gaza people still went there and pray.. Only Gaza... #PrayForGaza #GazaUnderAttack http:/…
RT @TV_Publica: #Visión7 - La tregua se extiende hasta el domingo en Gaza http://t.co/WD9c4WC2uC
RT @RevolutionSyria: Under our feet. They will always be. #Syria http://t.co/1PLhU1xNj6
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