my MANDALA class C students, remember class tonite!!! ♥ :]
✨✨✨謝謝俊藍幫我在鴨寮街黑膠Paul店子購入V-Turbo的Metal Demo❤️. 多得閻羅王推介,Baby一聽難忘~得閒上YouTube search 'Hot Hell Line' ,而家電台有冇節目播呢D?
好耐冇出show了!抗奮中!新歌新cover!!!! 仲有大頭佛!超like~~~ ♥ COME COME COME!!!!
今年書展不搞簽名會,只會到booth, 幾時出現遲D宣布! ♥
Hugo 放假了,而我不知道曼陀羅level 1 full咗未~ 7-21 連續4個星期一,7:30pm-9pm, $880,認識真正的自己,解決深深處的問題, whatsapp 9768-5388報名。另外,「金錢魔法」money spell 7-12 星期六 5pm $480~~~ 一齊吸D$
Two not-your-typical girls, Roo and Nina Ray are up on @heyloveuniverse , email ship worldwide, free shopping btw, Cute Diane and Sweet Lori were sold
Singer, author, lyricist, former commercial radio 903DJ. Graduated from Ontario College of Art and Design. E is now a full time artist, and also the manager of