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【#CineFan 電影推介: 50年代日本經典??】 影評人眼中的《地獄門》和《楢山節考》(1958) ? GATE OF HELL and THE BALLAD OF NARAYAMA (1985) in the eyes of Film Critics ? . ?以強烈色彩繪染人間最深沉的悲哀,《#地獄門》及《#楢山節考》(1958) 的東洋美學令西方驚豔。 . ?在9月1日的映後談,影評人登徒談到衣笠貞之助受德國表現主義影響,糅合平安時代畫風與歌舞伎表演形式,構成獨特美學,《地獄門》的色彩、美術、攝影美不勝收,獲康城影展評審譽為近乎完美?。在9月2日的映後談,影評人朗天則稱讚木下惠介不單善用劇場風格,更以影機運動加強場面調度的豐富層次,呈現人物的複雜心情,在《楢山節考》(1958) 全面展示電影語言的力量,以及藝術上的真實?。 . ? Two pioneering films - GATE OF HELL and THE BALLAD OF NARAYAMA (1958) - in visual grandeur set the scene for international admiration of Japanese aesthetics. . ?In the post-screenings talks, criti...Read more

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【#CineFan 呈獻】? 11、12月節目預告: 你不能錯過的24套經典好戲! Sneak peek of Nov/Dec programme 24 extraordinary films you can’t miss! ✨

2018年臨近尾聲,好戲在後頭?! 4大主題電影壓軸登場,驚喜不斷: . ‍??‍♂️【逃獄猛片】:《#洞》、《#巴比龍》、 《#原罪犯》、《#月黑高飛》 . ??【波蘭獨立百年,四大怪傑巔峰作】: 《#孤島驚魂》、《#浴室春情》、 《#白蘭琪男爵夫人》、《#着魔》 . ☁️ 【成瀨巳喜男課程二】: 《#流逝》、《#願妻如薔薇》、《#亂雲》 . ?【修復經典】:《#蕩婦姬黛》、《#午夜鐘聲》 . Here comes the last 2 months of the Year 2018 ?! A strong line-up is reserved for Cine Fan Nov/Dec Programme! . Here are the 4 main highlights: . ??‍♂️ 【 Prison break classics】: LE TROU, PAPILLON, OLD BOY, THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTI...Read more

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【#CineFan 會員福利】 ?《褒曼—生命的巓峰》免費放映, 會員優先登記! Free Screening of BERGMAN - A YEAR IN A LIFE, members can pre-register NOW! ? . 《#第七封印》、《#野草莓》的神壇下,#英瑪褒曼 是怎樣的一個人??是控制狂,會因乳酪被拿走而大發脾氣?是妄想者,將哥哥孩提時受的體罰當作自身回憶?是情場浪子,連有多少個孩子亦記不清,卻是莉芙烏曼口中畢生所見最好的男人?看為紀念大師百年冥誕而拍攝的康城新作,可重新認識其光影人生真實一面。 . 《褒曼—生命的巓峰》將於十月七日作免費放映。Cine Fan會員可優先於網上登記??,而餘下的門票將於開場前30分鐘於現場免費派發。每人限取門票乙張,先到先得,送完即止!?? . ?現已接受登記,把握機會了解這位瑞典電影大師! 網上登記:https://bit.ly/2R4R0JA . Who is Ingmar Bergman ?, behind the legendary THE SEVENTH SEAL and WILD STRAWBERRIES? A neurotic who approp...Read more

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HAF 2016項目!恭喜???

HAF2019 現正徵收電影計劃,十月底截止!事不宜遲,盡早報名:https://www.haf.org.hk/project-intro.php

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【#CineFan ? 11、12月節目率先預告】7套精選監獄片盡在Cine Fan‼️ Nov/Dec Programme Preview✨7 Prison Films will be presented at Cine Fan‼️ . 自由何為??身在牢獄,固然失去自由;但鐵窗之外的大千世界,又是否真正自由?下期 Cine Fan 精選七部監獄片傑作,思索自由真義。 片目暫且賣個關子,先送上一首金曲“Free as the Wind”,猜猜是哪部逃獄經典?? . What is liberty?? Breaking free from prison, only to be perplexed by the larger world? Seven prison films will be presented in the coming Cine Fan programme, contemplating what liberty truly means. Meanwhile, we present you this soundtrack “Free as the Wind”, guess which classic prison break film is it from? ?


. 【? ...Read more

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It's tomorrow! Don't miss it! ?

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【#CineFan 電影推介】?永恆經典 Timeless Classic? . 《#芬妮與阿歷山大》是 #英瑪褒曼 最渾然天成的半自傳經典,榮獲 #奧斯卡 最佳外語片等四項大獎?,五小時電視足本罕現銀幕!大師的藝術傳奇,可以怎樣重新趣味演繹?去片!? . ? 記得不要錯過在9 月30 日,由影評人王勛主講的《芬妮與阿歷山大》映後談! . FANNY AND ALEXANDER is Ingmar Bergman’s most sanguine semi-autobiography, taking home four Oscar awards including Best Foreign Language Film ?. Its extraordinary magical realism has enchanted many, and may have even inspired one of the most successful Hollywood action franchise. Unbelievable? See it for yourself! ? . ? Don’t miss the Post-screening talk of FANNY AND ALEXANDER with Geoffrey Wong on 30...Read more

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【#hkiff ? 精彩回顧 Throwback Thursday ?】

記得第29屆香港國際電影節的焦點致敬演員,和第30屆的榮譽大使是誰?就是華仔 #劉德華 !當年他更為香港國際電影節親自題字!適逢今天9月27日是他的生日,HKIFFS在此祝華仔生日快樂!?

? 一人一句留言一部你最愛的劉德華電影! ??‍♀️ 天若有情

Do you remember who was our Actor in Focus of 29th HKIFF and Festival Ambassador of 30th HKIFF ?? It’s Andy Lau! He contributed a calligraphic inscription for 29th HKIFF! Today is his birthday, HKIFF wish him a happy birthday! ?

? Name your favourite film of Andy! ??‍♀️ A Moment of Romance

hkiff2005 #hkiff2006 #AndyLau #香港國際電影節

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【#CineFan 電影推介】?人生的主題曲是... If your life had a theme song... . ?若人生如音樂,他們奏的是藍調抑或怨曲?在英瑪褒曼的《#夕陽舞曲》裏,夫婦走過愛恨離合,再續垂暮深情?,卻見三代糾結不斷,愛成傷害繼續迴響。 . 在哥斯達加拉斯的《#大控訴》裏,女兒堅信父親清白,但隨一個陳年音樂盒響起,卻發現父親當年的虐殺暴行?。曲終人散,留下的是喜樂或悲歌? . If life is music, what melody do they play?? Ingmar Bergman’s #SARABAND is a tango between Marianne and her ex-husband Johan, who has a life in selfish relationship and is forming new trenches in the battles with his widowed son and the trapped granddaughter ⚔. . Costa-Gavras’ #MUSICBOX is a requiem between Anne and her father, who is accused of another life as a mons...Read more

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【#Cinefan ? 睇好戲才是正經事 All we need to do is to watch good films ?】 . 大家中秋節假期有什麼好節目??食月餅還是賞月?不如約親朋好友一齊睇Cine Fan 嘅經典好戲!? 祝大家中秋節快樂! . Any plans for Mid-Autumn Festival?? Eating moon cake or admiring the moon? Let’s invite families and friends to watch Cine Fan’s Classic films together!? Have a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. . ? 9月25日放映場次 Screenings on 25/9 ?: 《#怪屋疑雲》TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD : https://bit.ly/2xDruT4 《#碧姬芭鐸浪漫史 》THE TRUTH La vérité: https://bit.ly/2MTbaD2 《#秋天...Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009