JFung Remix
DJ, 音乐监製, 平面设计师, 摄影师
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黑聊 星期五谷聚黎左Showbiz探班!

多謝呢班係Telegram認識嘅朋友! 歡迎其他朋友逢星期五晚黎尖沙咀棉登徑Showbiz Bar探我架??? Thanks @blkchan & friends support me at Showbiz last Friday night! @showbiz_bar

Showbiz #ShowbizBar #tst #fridaynight #DJ #producer #friendship #JFung #JFungRemix #EDM #ElectronicDanceMusic

接近 9 年 前 360 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

聽日後日又有兩日假期做咩好? 梗係去觀塘海濱Fly the Flyover01行Urban Edge啦!因為我會係果度DJ Live同大家Party下架!果度仲有好多Designer Product嘅市集同Workshop,而且係免費入場架! 聽日 3/4 1pm / 後日 4/4 2pm 到時見! See you guys at Urban Edge market and I will DJ Live performing too! Presented by @honkiee.asia

urbanedge #urbanedgehk #鬧市邊陲 #market #workshop #designer #brand #festival #DJ #Live #music #Honkiee #lifestyle #JFung #JFungRemix

接近 9 年 前 265 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Nice Shooting and Interview for Zalora upcoming style campaign!! 今日下晝去左上環幫Zalora做訪問拍攝?? @zalorahk

Zalora #ZaloraHK #Fashion #style #stylish #shooting #interview #JFung #JFungRemix

接近 9 年 前 344 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

話咁快三月最後一日,時間好似唔係好夠用,好彩有呢隻LEE Watch新錶提我時間,黎緊希望把握時間做創作 Live with Urgency, Do It Right Now !!! Thanks @u3hk & @leejeanshk @leewatchasia

lee #leejeanshk #M55 #fashionwatch #watch #style #stylish #styleblogger #outfit #hkig #leewatch #u3hk #JFung #JFungRemix

接近 9 年 前 310 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Adidas Tubular Radial Crystal White It's so comfy and easy to match my style! 無機會著NMD,唯有著Tubular Radial頂住先,都幾舒服幾易襯! @adidasoriginals @adidashk

adidas #adidasoriginals #sneakers #sneakerhead #tubular #tubularradial #crystalwhite #swag #hkig #JFung #JFungRemix #3stripesstyle #YESadidas

接近 9 年 前 323 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

【 JFung Sunday EDM | 周日電音推介 】

Vol.19《 Now That I've Found You - Martin Garrix feat. John & Michel 》 MV : http://youtu.be/xuSxRuk_07Y

今個星期嘅JFung Sunday EDM要介紹EDM男神Martin Garrix嘅新歌 "Now That I've Found You",因為真係好好聽!

Martin Garrix唔洗多講啦,係Spinnin' Records嘅成名作"Animals"我諗大家都聽到爛咁滯,之後首首都係我的最愛:"Wizard", "Helicopter", "Tremor", "Gold Skies", "Turn Up The Speakers", "Virus(How About Now)", "Forbidden...Read more  观看视频

接近 9 年 前 187 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

I wish one day I could be DJing on this epic main stage at ULTRA MIAMI but not only watching… https://t.co/CCk614aJGl

接近 9 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Ultimate Goal: I wish one day I could be DJing on this epic main stage at ULTRA MIAMI but not only watching live on my laptop! 終極目標:希望有一日可以企係呢個舞台表演,唔再只係上網睇直播!

ULTRALIVE #Ultra #UltraMusicFestival #UMF #Ultra2016 #UltraMiami #mainstage #DJ #producer #EDM #ElectronicDanceMusic #passion #love #PLUR #livestream

接近 9 年 前 371 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

今晚 星期五 TGIF DJ Party @ Showbiz 2 去開尖沙咀飲野嘅朋友不妨黎探下我架!

Showbiz #ShowbizBar #TST #TsimShaTsui #Bar #TGIF #FridayNight #HappyFriday #DJ #Party #JFung #JFungRemix #尖沙咀 #棉登徑

接近 9 年 前 279 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

INK工作室"7820"音樂分享之夜 What A Wonderful World ? @inkni @cheunghongyau

studio #studiolife #dj #producer #music #musician #7820

接近 9 年 前 321 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


DJ / Producer / +852 Hong Kong / EDM / Remix / @JFungRemix / #JFungRemix


Hong Kong
November 8, 2008