IInterview with Fernando Noriega and Luke for Where the Road meets the Sun
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On The Red Carpet of SCREEN SINGAPORE, dressed in PIAGET Timepieces.
all that hairspray action is doing some serious damage to my hair! let's see if Pantene and Sunsilk can help!!
Everyone's curious how I came to host the inaugural year of Screen Singapore and here's the scoop. It all started with this little clip floating on Youtube I pos Thank goodness for Youtube!
Everyone's curious how I came to host the inaugural year of Screen Singapore and here's the scoop. It all started with this little clip floating on Youtube I posted over a year ago auditioning for FunTaiwan.
The producers saw it and googled me to get in touch.
will be posting more updates and pics abou...Read more
Hello大家, sorry 我太久沒跟大家分享. 最近一直往國外跑. 人現在在新加坡主持影展! 好多事想跟大家分享! 知後會固定跟大家報告!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaQs82PNvak&tracker=False 跟大家分享最近拍的廣告!剛上喔,拍攝過程很開心,謝謝導演欣賞我的演技讓我發揮一鏡到底