Sarika Choy
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Happy Gathering + bday dinner with my pretty girls :D

Bday Party Round 2 - Bday Boat trip! Sooo much fun!! Luv u guys xxx

Finding Happy Wednesday is back!! Yea! Giddy Up! :D


BBC News just came to HK to shoot a Travel documentary~ It's my honor to be on of the host to take them around HK~!!!!

The show of BBC is called "THE REAL..." the have picked 5 cities around the word, to go around and talk about the real, local, special stuff..~ Hong Kong was one of the cities that they've picked!!~ And I was 1 of the hosted to bring them around~! they wanted to see something more special... not like the normal tourist spots like Ocean park.. Disney...LKF.... So we went to the Tin Hau temple.. then I took them f...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

So Excited!!!!

I'm so excited!!!!~ 3 more day to go, then I will collect the keys for my new flat!!!!!!

I just bought a flat in cwb~ near my parents' place~~ So excited!!~ I've been reading and checking out interior design matrials recently.. ( kinda  turning into an expert now~ heheh... jk) And the coming 2-3 month, I will be super busy getting work for my new flat done~~~!!!!

Can't wait to get it ready~ so hopefully I an move in in the mid OCt~ So excited!!~~ hahhaha~~~

15 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Long time >.<


Hello there!! it's been a long lomg time that I haven't post a blog up here.... I've been SUPER busy... So sorry about that..

Well... so a brief update... I've been.. working.. and working... Well... I did a few shows, few ads.., hosting some events.. shooting for additorial.. catalog.. etc.. and also been a Catwalk trainer and doing some choreographic job for Shows~!!! It's been really busy, but really fun as well!

I always like keeping myself busy and enjoing my work alot~!

Really wa...Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Long time.....

It's been quite a while since I have add an entry~

I've been SUPER busy.... Didn't really have time to handel my own person stuff.... Been doing lots of shooting.. shows... trainning.. choreography.....

Still getting busy this month~ Lots of shows and work coming up~ Well... ofcoz it's good to be busy!!~ I'd rather working like hell!

Will try to keep up with this blog and post pix!!~ Cheers~

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

New pix~



Finally got my new shots!!~ Thanks to coobe, the make- up ari...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares

Back to work~


After 3 day of holiday....( which I didn't really get to rest.. as I had to take care of lots of my personal stuff) I have to get back to work!! Gonna have a busy week...

I have a event tmr at Solars.. then another event in central on fri and a shooting before that.. and working also on sat!~ Well... it's always good to be busy!!~

hopefully I get to hang out with my friends and relax a bit on the weekend!~ So now, I'm all ready to WORK HARD!~

16 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

Spot Light - Me!!!

Thanks to Alive not dead for putting me in the spot light today.  I'm flattered!! 

Had a busy day today! Went for a shooting that booked me for 4 hours but lasted only 2...Thank God!  As I was not feeling well, think I might have eaten something wrong.  We must be careful with our food especially in summer.  Went to fix my phone and visited an agency.  Wanted to go to the gym but thought I'd better take it easy today, till I get better.

16 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares



Hong Kong
August 12, 2008