Who dat girl? She looks familiar but I can't seem to put a name to the face. 其實我都可以好賢淑的。?
I'd rather attract a smaller crowd, but just the right audience. Just be yourself. 我每個人都喜歡我,但起碼我自己要喜歡我自己。??
I feel so inspired by the podcasts of the Master Class by Oprah. Highly recommend it! Also, let's try to be grateful and thankful for what we have! Happiness and success will come!
Every morning what keeps me going is the gratitude I have to be so blessed and doing what I love. I am so grateful and happy to be sharing my delight and spreading laughter all around. I love what I do, and I hope you can tell too! (I'm as excited as I am looking at this huge piece of chicken every single morning, even when it's early) . . . . . . 每日起身都覺得很感恩,有機會做自己愛的事情。還有很多要學習的,也很感謝有台前幕後那麼多前輩教導。希望能用我的正能量感染大家。? ?? . . . .
今晚沒辦法過來祝賀我很愛的專業團隊,唯有睇相相當自己到左。每次合作都是充滿笑聲,仲有得睇靓女靓仔(@chingydonna @billy_onstage ) ,我真幸福。Thanks for all the happy memories you've created for all your clients and us MCs. Here's to many more 30 years!?? P. S. The onstage family 麗麗,Kirei, Sam, Crystal, Gabrielle, love you all! ??
Making sure mama and papa are taken care of before going abouts my day, like a responsible parent! Say hi to your fam this morning! Send them some lovin'!
其實我地有時都可以好恩愛的。? #細龍生 或者你會慢慢戀上我呢! 支持我「老公」的新歌 <<有心無力>>! . . . . This is what happens when you're spreading positive vibes and love all around on tv. That's why I wanna be in entertainment! P. S. 多謝嘉樂哥,always a good time!
Thanks to all of you who have been supporting me since day one. I am so blessed.
Good morning world! #TGIF A quote to get me through the day, "Decide. Commit. Conquer". Thanks @titikaactive for letting me look good while doing it. ? (Scroll to the bottom for a surprise for you!) . . . . 我好喜歡做運動。更喜歡做運動果時著得 stylish 又舒服。所以,我想同大家分享史上最修身的褲同 sports bra。琴日 post 完好多朋友問我邊度買。當然,你問得我,我當然要幫你地爭取 DISCOUNT 啦! . . . . A little something for all of you: http://titikaactive.hk/ 15% off for first order promo code: VICKY15 . . . .
A new drop from @titikaactive means it's time to train, and flash my new goodies! ? These Munroe leggings are the slimmest pair of leggings I've ever worn in my life. They're compression leggings that slims your legs, and the big band on the waist means your leggings won't slip when you're working out! I absolutely adore them! . . . . . . . 史上最讓人腳顯瘦的運動褲。有新的運動衫褲,當然要著出來比大家善慕一下啦!這個品牌的 sports bra and tights 又實用又時尚。I love it! ?? . . . .
Miss Chinese Vancouver 2011-2012 First Runner up, Miss Photogenic, Miss Elegant Model. UBC BA holder. 溫哥華華裔小姐競選 2011亞軍、最上鏡小姐及 最優雅模特得獎者。卑詩省大學政治、哲學系畢業生。