Bcos we celebrated last wk, I actually didn't realize what day it was until Pastor said... HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!! #FathersDay2017 #truestory
Twins? #babywhisperer #babies #wedding Chua Enlai https://t.co/ZGueNHf4T3
Got my new black straps with side stitching today, while #juniortay did some writing. #prouddaddy #panzera #aquamarine45 #gold #daddyjuniortime #watch #blackstrap #satisfied #timesup
You see only 8 of us on stage, but it takes this whole kampong slogging backstage to make us look and sound good. And yes, thanks #vizpro for letting us invade your space this past week! ? @kaylywayly @suhaimiyusof_official @chuaenlai @kumarslivingtgt @mrsamsee @rishibudhrani @fakkahfuzz #thenooseandkakis2 #live #stage #comedy #comedians #actors #thenoose
观看视频When I came home exhausted last night, this actually happened!!! #juniortay #whyyousolikethat #love #kidsdothedarnestthings
观看视频What a great run for #thenooseandkakis2 ! I had a ton of fun bringing the laughter onstage... and backstage! Till next time! @chuaenlai @suhaimiyusof_official @kaylywayly @mrsamsee @fakkahfuzz @rishibudhrani @kumarslivingtgt #thenoose #somuchfun
Yay!!! Opening Night!!! #thenooseandkakis2 #thenoose #live #stage #theatre #enthusiastic ?Credits: @vizproevents
T-Minus 1 Day #thenooseandkakis2 #live #stage #theatre #comedy #comedians #alarictay #chuaenlai #kaylyloh #suhaimiyusof #Kumar #rishibudhrani #fakkahfuzz #samsee #onemoreday @chuaenlai @kaylywayly @suhaimiyusof_offical @kumarslivingtgt @rishibudhrani @fakkahfuzz @mrsamsee