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wow, Oriental Daily is fast! Coverage from tonight's party already online! Venus Wong 王敏奕 ~粉絲兵團

护鲨行动 X alivenotdead 「一翅都唔食」活动大使海报 Behind the Scenes

10 年多 前 1 赞  暂无评论  0 shares

视频: 护鲨行动 X alivenotdead 「一翅都唔食」活动大使海报 Behind the Scenes! http://t.cn/RhyHoz9 - 明天有发布会!请大家来吧!@JessicaCambensy @AlvinGoh吳吉倫 @安志杰AndyOn @王敏奕Venus @Robynn葉晴晴 @RobynnandKendy @Kendy_RnK @AnaRivera #modelone# @游戏时间 @貝安琪Ankie

Shark Savers x #alivenotdead - #FinsihedwithFins Behind the Scenes video! http://t.co/1jU7EdIRad

10 年多 前 1 赞  暂无评论  0 shares

Thanks so much for your support @JessicaCambensy ! #alivenotdead#

Please come out tomorrow night to @showhk to support our charity fundraiser party with @sharksavershk ! We are launching our joint #alivenotdead X #sharksavers poster series with an all star line up including @ana_r @andyonimal @ankiebeilke @alvingoh @jesscambensy & @kendysuen #venuswong and @playtimehk ! Thanks to #belvederehk , #fotopop #bannershop and #showhk for their support.

10 年多 前 3 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

alivenotdead.com x Shark Savers HK Celebrity Ambassador Poster Series Launch

We are pleased to announce that the launch of our partnership with SHARK SAVERS Hong Kong to create a special series of their "I'm FINished WITH FINS" posters with artists from the alivenotdead.com community.

Artists who participated in the poster series include - singer-songwriting duo Robynn and Kendy, actors Andy On (安志杰), Ankie Beilke (貝安琪) and Venus Wong (王敏奕), model...Read more

10 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Ice Bucket Challenge Final Round-Up!

Well it seems like the Ice Bucket Challenge has completed its sweep through HK!  We launched our video last monday with AnD CEO Raffi taking the plunge:  

We challenged AnD friends Allan Wu, Jessica C and Waveya Dance Team,  and put a spin on the standard version of the challenge -  if they DID...Read more

10 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

UFC Fight Night Macao Wrap Up!

We are very tired after an exciting weekend in Macau for the "Expendables 3" Premiere on Friday and UFC Fight Night Macao 2014 last night.    We were fortunate enough to get a ring-side seat and we hope you all enjoyed the live social media updates we were doing on twitter, weibo and mig.me.  (Check previous pages of this blog to see them all if you missed it!)  

The fights were very exciting, especially the finale between AnD-friend Cung Le and Michael Bisping.  Cung got some nasty cuts in the first round an...Read more

10 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

回覆@晕了云: 应该没问题。他们从epicenter不太近。谢谢你的关心。 //@晕了云:听说加州发生地震,Daniel可好? //@alivenotdead:謝謝大家的轉發和評論! [good]


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006