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Don't ever let anything stand in the way of what you know you can achieve with focus, hard work,… https://t.co/rB1YfXgCdo

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If you've gotta go straight to work after a twenty two hour journey to get there, then be thankful for blue skies a… https://t.co/TlcGLK0Krq

7 年多 前 6 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

A year ago in June, I went to Peru for the 1st time & this video was made without my knowing ?Watch the rest at:… https://t.co/v5JZne0SRX

7 年多 前 2 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Trying to "find a wife" (if only for a race) is still one tough task! ???? #ChallengeTheWorld #向世界挑战 https://t.co/xRNQUaSAQU

7 年多 前 3 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Run, Forrest, Run!! They said you were old, but truth be told, don't let anyone-or any "time"-… https://t.co/Y1RA4ZGwwn

7 年多 前 1 赞  暂无评论  0 shares

Was certainly an eye opening experience to see the lives that reside on both sides of this… https://t.co/xw6MbM2mL0

7 年多 前 1 赞  暂无评论  0 shares

So good to finally be back in Singapore and can't wait to see the TWO of you! ❤️✌️❤️ And can the… https://t.co/8VsIx0KIYi

7 年多 前 1 赞  暂无评论  1 share

Looks like we've got a runaway bride here! But then again, WU can blame her for wanting to meet and greet these Chi… https://t.co/k31MRZ9TFe

7 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Wow! What a way to kick off the morning. I didn't think I still got fan moments but it was too… https://t.co/BWjqjsvQ9i

7 年多 前 2 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Another day, another leg. Now it's time to get set for another amazing leg the following morning!… https://t.co/V4MP2BEChJ

7 年多 前 3 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


Come see my website at: www.wulander.com Wow! I think I'm finally catchin on to this Internet


November 7, 2007