Official Artist
Amiko  亞美子 Mizuno  水野
Actor , Painter
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GrassHopper's concert...


After press interview in the afternoon, then went to GrassHopper's concert...

Guess what? Exciting, Sexual, Dancing, Funny, Cool evening...

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over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Sarah Brightman's concert.

...<aRead more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Cruel Fashion --- 時尚的殘酷


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almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Tomorrow will attend fine jewellery of Chanel as honored guest at Manderin hotel, the collection called " Bijoux De Diamants", I believe that...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Work schedule Mar. 2009...

March 2009 Dr. Dog Schedule :

Mar 5 (Thur) 9:45am –

Cheng Pon Hing Hostel for the Elderly (Care & Attention Home for the Elderly) - Ap Lei Chau (free parking available on site)

鄭傍卿紀念松柏苑 (護老院) - 鴨脷洲 (免費泊車)

Mar 7 (Sat) 9:45 am –

Chung Sing Benevolent Society (Care & Attention Home for the Elderly) ~ Tsing Yi

鍾聲慈善社 (護老院) -青衣

Mar 7 (Sat) 10:15am –

TWGHs David Trench Home for the Elderly (Care & Attention Home for The Elderly)- Wong Chuk Hang (free parking av...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


従東京返來的途中, 在飛機上看了活地亞倫的《Vicky Cristina Barcelona》, 兩個女主角由美國到巴塞隆拿度假, 一個思想正經已有未婚夫, 另一個思想開放愛尋刺激。 兩人遇上一個剛離婚的性感畫家, 他邀請兩人一起去旅遊, 並露骨地説想和她們一起做愛。 結果她們跟他去了! 前者後來結了婚, 但仍念念不忘該男子, 而在該男子身邊轉的都是靚女, 或聰明、 或具才華、 或奔放…… 戲看完了, 也到了香港。

影片是在我喜歡的Spain取景, 美麗又浪漫…… 但戲中流露的價値觀, 令人震慄、 不敢恭維。 

對他或她們來説, 男女關系是何等随便, 彷彿性等如愛; 跟你結婚的, 不一定就是你最喜歡的人, 幸福伴侶的背後都是怨婦…… 一夜情、 婚外情、 離婚…… 在當今社會, 見怪不怪, 有些人還以此自吹自擂, 但歡愉過後, 又有多少幸福! 或許有人説: 「金風玉露一相逢, 便勝卻人間無數」...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares



甚麼是好朋友呢? 是要天天見面通電話? 甚麼都贊同與支持你? 一生一世的許諾……不。 毎個朋友, 進入我們的生命, 都有一個獨特的目的。

有些, 完成了目的, 就會離開。 也許是我們感到寂寞, 他就過來陪伴。 我們迷失徬徨, 他就過來安慰指引。 他們如生命中的天使, 出現一陣便不見了, 没有任何原因便消失了。

也有些, 是帯着弓箭而來。 你做錯了事, 他便射一根, 直中你「誤差」的紅心, 告誡你知錯返回。 他不會常在你身邊, 但你需要糾正時, 他便會出現。

更有些, 是不折不扣的季節朋友。 如春天般跟你慶祝新生, 如夏天般跟你玩樂嬉笑, 如秋天般跟你悲嘆感懷, 如冬天般與你避世躱蔵。 但僅止於一季, 便随着時移地易而流失。

但也有極少数, 是不受時地的阻隔, 不會終止交往的。 這些好朋友, 如天上罕見的星星,雖不常見, 但知道他們的存在, 這就心満意足了。


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almost 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Come with me, please...

If you have time, Please come with me to go back to Japan again between the end of Feb. to the middle of Mar. Coz there are very famous celebration festival -- 梅花祭,  which is we believe that will bring good luck to you in this new year, so that every Japanese won't miss this part...

In 东京都, We have two festival of  梅花祭 which is better than other country side I believe, there are:

汤岛天满宫<...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

I'll come back soon...

All my dear Friends,

I'll come back HongKong on 2nd, Feb.

It's really nice holidays for me, I fully charged my "Battery",  Now I'm ready to back to work soon...

Looking forward to seeing you guys very soon... Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Take your lives in own hands‏...

We are getting closer to our destiny as human beings

MATRIX is reality and more and more people are starting to realise this

We are those people lying inside those machines with those tubes

And the goverments feed on our energy

Live ain't about working only

Work should be to bring more luxury in your live

Nowadays workers are looked upon as modern slaves

They get just enough money to come by

But won't get a chance to grow

Every country is doing t...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


自己紹介させて頂きます. 初めまして. 水野です. よろしく.お願いします. Hi, This is Amiko, Nice to meet you. Please feel free to contact with Ms Leung at (852)2881 7789. Thanks.

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, itallian
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Member Since
July 13, 2008