Adidas Originals SS19 ??
Selene cares about whether the shadows or light hit right in my face. I only care about whether or not I’m smiling right in the photo ?? Shot on digital cam by @cheungselene
? missing all the good happenings in Myanmar
紅色好像是屬於所有喜慶節日,像剛過去的聖誕和快要到來的農歷新年。穿鮮色的衣服心情歡快起來,還有不能缺少的一抹紅唇 ❤ 讓我告訴對顏色也許不太敏感的你,紅色也有很多種,而shu uemura全新的 RD163色調 是最適合亞洲女生的紅調呢,是不太暗也鮮得不過份的血紅呢 ?
一起穿戴整齊面對這瘋狂的世界吧 ?
Wear their traditional clothing and take photos with the local ? All the pure and sincere hearts ?❤️??♀️ @ Myanmar
View from the Balloon ☀️? #shotonfilm :) @cheungselene ❤️ 我們的熱氣球是數十架之中最早升空的,於是離其他的好遠好遠,但這樣也正好,因我們能在高處看到日出前後的風景 ? @ Myanmar
男孩像你 女孩像她 ❤️ 2019 Jan 四款 MilkX HK cover ❤️ Wearing CHANEL #Lapausa #chanelcruise Team @jennyshih_ @himng_hair Ester @missfashioncloud
我只知道,先進的國家不需要不先進的我 ?
Happy new year from Myanmar ??♀️?? This is how Angela is spoiled by her friends. Decided going three days ago and tickets bought just two days before departure. Wahahahaha
? @cheungselene ??
粉絲最強聖誕帽 >___<? 還要fit size和有不同款 TT 聖誕快樂!!