Angelica Cukon
体育, 武术,摔跤或拳击, 体育教练, 摄影师
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我想学习,我想练。。我复活了!真想感谢CRI(中国国际广播电台)给我这样的机会 ,感谢教练因为又叫我回去练,感谢我弟弟帮我改我的套路,感谢朋友因为一直在我身边!我与吴彬老师下面你们就能找到关于我们的新闻 Pic Read more

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老虎机厅 OR 小赌场?

After my job as INTERPRETER in VeronaFiere for Mr Chen and Mr Ye from the TCE TRADING, who went here for buying some marble and granite, we went back in my hometown and we finally opened a little CASINO' here. The problem is: how do you call it in chinese?  老虎机厅 OR 小赌场?Anyway... this is nice: I can make some money but also I still have time for training or...Read more

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Dengfeng, Henan, Hebei Cangzhou other three cities will compete for the best Chinese martial arts village

September 1, by the State Council Information Office, Ministry of Culture and National Tourism Administration guidance, the State Sports General Administration support Wushu Administrative Center, China Radio International's '2011 List of Chinese martial arts Chinese city tour' martial arts village named formally announced the results of activities in the last month of voting, the global users with a selection of nearly 1,543,000 votes out of...Read more

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下面你们就能看到 中国国际广播 安排的日程:10月10号到北京11号: 去温县(河南)12-13号:在温县采访14号:去登封(河南-少林寺)15-16号:在登封采访17号:去沧州18-19号:在沧州采访20号:回去北京。21号:“2011年中国武术之旅活动”22号:结束行程。 他们都是22号回去 但是我。。应该先去成都玩几天再回家!

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I'm really going back China!

As I told you before, f ew days ago I received a message from CRI where was writing:>Dobar dan, Angelica.  Ja sam novinar iz Kineskog Radio Internacionala, moje hrvatsko ime je Dragan.Ovako, ovih dana smo odrzali veliku medijsku akciju zove se “Putovanje po Kini”, a prijatelj iz Hrvatske nam je preporucio Vas kao natjecatelj u nasem izborima za kung fu zvjezde, Vase predstave i igre kung fua su bilo fantasticno, a strucnjaci i internetski koristici su pokranjali veliku pozornosti vasem kung fu predstavom.

Sada je g...Read more

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I won a travell to China with CRI! - KUNG FU PUTOVANJE

 Today I was noticed that someone inscribe me to an online wushu video conterst... and I WON! haha.

Than Dragan from CRI ( http://www.cri.cn/) contacted me and called me from China:

"我们举办的这个活动 评选阶段已经结束了 你的视频很受评委的喜欢.虽然最开始没有联系到你 但是你已经获得了来中国的资格 现在需要和你确认一下 是否有时间过来 10月10号到22号.

免费的中国之行 我们的行程包括 北京、焦作温县、登封、沧州

请尽快和我确认一下 谢谢!

还是 恭喜你!获...Read more

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昨天晚上我们在BERGAMO 搞了一个华人活动。到了 CITTA ALTA 的一家酒吧 真好我们十来个人在等位子 就看到了一个男人。印象是有点但莪没记清楚在哪里见过。想来想去 终于想起来了:我是在电视看到他!呵呵他就是一位拳击冠军叫:LUCA MESSI  卢卡- 梅西。找到了位置就是在他旁边 所以我随便跟他聊几句,跟他拍照。说了也没有多少 不过感觉人还可以,他开的武馆就是在我家里附近一个小镇上,离我准备开的店不远 所以也叫我过去跟他一起练一下 呵呵

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The Soul of Heart

The Association Chicuace In Tonatiuh Sesto Sole conceived this festival share the experience of people who live their daily life through their own culture. Through their dances, prayers and through the spirituality of these people, we wish to share this experience with others and cancel stereotypes which often do not reflect realty. Our fundamental mission is to promote and encourage an encounter, acquaintance and brotherhood of different people; to contribute in conveying, evaluating and protecting tribal cultures; to support people or tri...Read more

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My little bro got a 1st and a 2nd place in Chinese championship!

 CONGRATULATION BRO! I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!  Yesterday my little brother Teng Zehong 滕泽洪,sent me his video about his competition during the University Chinese Wushu Championship, where he got a 1st place in NANQUAN and a 2nd place in NANGUN. Following his NANGUN video (that MARK will find very interesting I think!) cause unlikely none took his NANQUAN video.Video: Read more

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还有两天我们就认识一年了! 不错 呵呵~~~Read more

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有一天他跟我说了:“妳要把所有的心思和力量放在比赛上” “积极主动,以我为主,控制过程,展示技艺,夺取金牌” 那天我感觉是最强的! Empty you mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it will


english, mandarin, itallian
January 3, 2008