彩妆大师(MUA), 摄影师, 笔者, 杂志编辑
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Good night everyone

Feel ur heart beat

Life is there

There lived a man in China named Meng Bo. He has a mom that loved to eat meat but due to her old age,she cudnt chew the meat.Meng Bo thinking how to served meat to his mother.then he saw his neighbour making mochi by grounding the rice. So Meng Bo got idea to ground the meat and make Meatballs.

TwoHandsSelfie (rofl)(rofl) sorry nivret u dnt hv other choice @flying-heart3 haha extreme selfie

sponsored by #Gopro (cool)

Lunch today.. lazy to cook so i just have this stir chicken with tofu..mushroom and spring onion in oyster sauce. whats on ur lunch tell me in ur motherlanguage

edisi males masak jadi cuma tumis ayam campur jamur n tahu aja lah (hee) apa makan siangmu #motherlanguage #foodloverscommunity

Happy Birthday ya @nurhassanah moga slalu diberi kebahagian dan dilimpahi kasih sayang dari orang2 disekitarmu..semoga terkabul apa yang dicita2kan dan terpenuhi segala keinginan.. amiinn

Selamat pagi ayo mulai hr ini dengan sarapan sehat..buah bisa jadi pilihan yg tepat..

good morning guys dnt forget to start ur days with healthy breakfast. Fruit can be a good choice. what u call grape in ur country? share ur post with #motherlanguage maybe i can learn from u hihi ?

Ikutan kontes #PantunGombal ya nurr @nurhassanah @dennycagurofficial @kbjdennycagur (cheeky) hihi

My breakfast today japanese style hoho cute onigiri rice witg tuna filling.. chicken katsu with nori n spicy chicken hihi (cheeky) its my homemade #foodloverscommunity


I love art especially foodart n photography.m wanna be a pro foodstylist


May 27, 2016
Jakarta, Indonesia