@oliyoung I just….cant speak…
If this disgusts you too - you can lodge your complaint with complaints@ecq.qld.gov.au http://t.co/INPiVtoJVq
@artywah I was just on the phone with the #ECQ they gave me the same information, thanks.
@malarkey what happened?
I want to lodge a complaint about this political ad from my place of polling this Saturday any ideas how to do this? http://t.co/QMuObt1uL0
@ryanbooker Did hear latest climate report from CSIRO says number of days of 30 degrees in Brisbane will increase 20-fold by end of century.
RT @Amused_Atheist: Anti-vaxxers may have many reasons why they choose not to vaccinate their children but only one is sufficient, “I’m a h…
Back to work on one of the #rails apps I am working on.
Does anyone really believe the line they spin us: "State elections are based on State Issues, Federal on Federal."?