I hope Gary Johnson dies in a fire. #HisFault
The most powerful military force the world has ever known is now in the (small) hands of a petulant and self-entitled 5 year old, who has no idea how anything works and who engages in online twitter wars at 3am with beauty queens who are mean to him.
All that we can do now is:
When will people finally understand that Neoliberalism doesn't work - and that its the real reason the middle class is hurting (all over the western world)?
I hope we're all preparing ourselves for a new Noun "Trumpism".
Shane - Are you responsible for this!!? ;)
While streaming MSNBC for the election -I saw one of the best adverts I have ever seen - this is gold! cc: Lane
Meanwhile, in my hometown of Brisbane, Australia... (for my international friends; this is a big "no no" Koala's are endangered and protected under law - albeit, in my opinion, not enough).
Termite barrier added to the new bathroom ensuite's concrete cold joins. In other news these came today #AngellReno
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes.