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Don't Waste Your Time

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Don't Waste Your Time

"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life."

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Don't Waste Your Time

"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life."

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As Time Goes By

"Popular songs don't often get a second chance, especially when they fail the first time around. Its inclusion in one of America's best loved movies transformed "As Time Goes By" into one of our most popular songs twelve years after it initially flopped."

Herman Hupfeld wrote "As Time Goes By" for a Broadway musical play in 1931. In the original show, it was sung by Frances Williams. "As Time Goes By" had been part of the story from the original play. When Warner Bros. turned the play in...Read more

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"Where there's a will, there's a way."

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"Where there's a will, there's a way."

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"You've Got To Find What You Love"

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"You've Got To Find What You Love"

For reasons as I am writing about Steve Paul Jobs recently, who is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. I am glad to know that Steve loves photography and music. For a long time Steve's home was only decorated with large black-and-white photographs. And he describes himself as an audiophile: after he became rich, one of the only pieces of furniture he bought was a US$100,000 stereo system.

Now we start from Steve's early years. After Steve graduated from high school in Calif...Read more

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自1996年因緣際會成立自己的廣告製作公司Astor Productions起,旨在為客戶提供度身訂造的設計及製作,對所有合作伙伴、員工,以致自己均要求嚴謹,務求做到不單只客戶滿意,就連整個工作團隊對於絞盡腦汁、日以繼夜創造出來的製成品都感到驕傲。雖然不是每個人會欣賞或認同,但若作品能廣傳甚至被爭相仿效,再辛苦也覺值得。就是本著這個理念,憑著一股傻勁與熱誠,找上幾個志同道合的戰友創造出一個又一個的所謂奇蹟,哪怕在別人眼中可能只是一個微不足道的用品,但箇中的滿足感和喜悅,相信任何一個從事創作的人,大概也會會心微笑。

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www.astorfong.com Astor Fong 6 albums are available in stores and online now! Enquiry: info@addmusicintl.com Sign up now for the Astor Fong Fan Club. P


Hong Kong
November 23, 2008