To my brother: I have the right to learn other skills. I have the right to study different things I have the right to be independent I have the right to learn more more things aside from ABCs I have the right to discover things like an adventurous person could be.
One of my dream schools was from my favorite country ;)
I wanted to learn more things aside from music... I want to study social service or sociology...
<3 <3
VK music is just fantastic :)
Business is business Personal is personal..
If you're not ready to enter in a serious relationship then don't say yes.. It may be hurtful but at least you've done it right away than to do it in the middle of it.
My 2017 selfie theme: High fashioned headshot without any professional lights but a simple room light.. ;)
Tried my modelling and selfie photography stint at the same time. Did my make up in a subtle ways to fit in with the simplicity of my classic headshot that is inspired by the mid 80s to the 90s to the 00s.
This is what I called high fashioned selfie photography.
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight Fight for this love ....
I have the right to learn more things I have the right to study more things I have the right to be adventurous.
Більш я принижують, більше я сильніше.