I came across a funny article on msn.com this morning - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28540800/
Simply put, the thing that caught my eye was the name 'Kanye East'. I couldn't stop laughing after I read that. Its funny and stupid and original at the same time.
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I came across a funny article on msn.com this morning - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28540800/
Simply put, the thing that caught my eye was the name 'Kanye East'. I couldn't stop laughing after I read that. Its funny and stupid and original at the same time.
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So I think it was a couple of weeks back, Dan Wu wrote a blog about a mash-up artist that was on Letterman or Leno and posted a video up. It’s just the term mash-up that got me going cause a few weeks later I bought a copy of the new US GQ (yes, the one with an overly retouched Olivia Wilde on the cover) and read an article about this group called ‘Girl Talk’. When I say group really it’s just this guy Gregg Gillis. So I was thinking, ‘what the hey let me sample some of the music, it won’t hurt’. Lo and behold I have become a fan. ...Read more
So I think it was a couple of weeks back, Dan Wu wrote a blog about a mash-up artist that was on Letterman or Leno and posted a video up. It’s just the term mash-up that got me going cause a few weeks later I bought a copy of the new US GQ (yes, the one with an overly retouched Olivia Wilde on the cover) and read an article about this group called ‘Girl Talk’. When I say group really it’s just this guy Gregg Gillis. So I was thinking, ‘what the hey let me sample some of the music, it won’t hurt’. Lo and behold I have become a fan. ...Read more
Okay okay, to keep up with the theme of strange I got a great one here.
Funny is one thing and super funny is another but when it gets to the point where it comes out of my nose and I smirk, its beyond the boundaries of my planet of stupendous-ness. Now, I am myself a lifelong chest hair-less Asian boy. I remember a friend of mine saying she was in love with Asian boys because, and I quote, 'they don't have any hair'. What, are we a special breed of cat? But I do admit, I was intrigued with what she said, with ...Read more
Okay okay, to keep up with the theme of strange I got a great one here.
Funny is one thing and super funny is another but when it gets to the point where it comes out of my nose and I smirk, its beyond the boundaries of my planet of stupendous-ness. Now, I am myself a lifelong chest hair-less Asian boy. I remember a friend of mine saying she was in love with Asian boys because, and I quote, 'they don't have any hair'. What, are we a special breed of cat? But I do admit, I was intrigued with what she said, with ...Read more
Occasionally I’ll come across something that is totally funny and totally inappropriate as you will find out in this case. As usual I was going through my end of the day updates – technology news, lolcats, etc. With the technology blogs I read the editorial is excellent, comical in most cases, often playing on puns of the product with insertions of popular culture for extra juice. This one is baffling. Just read:
Japanese Erotic Game Uses Webcam for Boner Detection
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ah ha!