Here we go! I hosted RAIN-JIHOON Obba's event in SH! He's nice n cute guy? Rain皮肤很好,人也蛮可爱的哈哈。我们台上中英韩三语混合交流,本来今天要主持Bigbang哈尔滨演唱会的。我那蹩脚的韩语现在也竟派上用场!?
So glad to experience this-- The 87th Oscar! 第一次的奥斯卡观礼经历,终身难忘。
I shot my 4th commercial this year in HK today. Will go to BJ tmw. Then SH! 3 days, 3 shoots, 3 cities?今天香港拍了今年第四个合作广告,明天北京,然后上海。女飞人为自己代言?
I hosted the Big Bang Wu Han Concert last night. The fans (ALL girls) were so crazy, so are my sisters ? 主持昨晚BigBang武汉演唱会。
NBA Global Game this year n last year. Feel so happy to be one part of the NBA family