I’m in favor of a new regime. There, I said it. #HereWeGo https://t.co/muaWVEIYkl
Embarrassed to be a @Steelers fan. Thoroughly. ?
This @latelifefilm Taichung screening is lit! ? @LateLifeMovie https://t.co/KoQYRIcxf8
@alexanderlee1 ? Oui oui. Je stand corrected. #ForgottenHighSchoolFrench
We on a train! En Paris! ?? https://t.co/2viEelckCl
Love love love love crazy love ? https://t.co/eHCjMZI9dF
RT @latelifefilm: The audiences approve! Catch us in Taiwan theaters starting Dec 14. ? https://t.co/LWr8JLnqsn
I. CAN. NOT. WAIT. https://t.co/ojXww9275U
RT @latelifefilm: Taipei press screening today. We open Dec 14 across Taiwan! ?? https://t.co/T350f4Dsrc
I can already see myself at the shows in ??. Aufgeregt! ? https://t.co/Uaer9MCyfs