Go @OhioStateHoops! https://t.co/pNh5K8pm5n
I can’t wait to find some Morris memes. LBJ just ridic. https://t.co/zlTYQP0ky5
Akron against the world. https://t.co/PJb9e11DLN
@LarryBeilABC7 I should cast that Klay look-alike and you in something.
@arvinchen ????
I should go to Vegas right now. https://t.co/xD7aj1YEHD
@LarryBeilABC7 I knew they would respond! But don't worry, I'll still have LB on a short list for cameos...?
@LarryBeilABC7 ? You may have a 3-picture deal by the time this game is done.
@LarryBeilABC7 Woa, woa, woa. Are you really ready for this??
@LarryBeilABC7 I'm sure there's something in the future where we can make this happen. #AlohaMeansGoodbye