When in Düsseldorf, get your runners at @afewstore! This place understands kicks. ? ??? #worldclasssneakerheads #stansmithadidas #nikeinternationalist
I don't normally stay in a castle, but when I do, it's in Vaals, NL.
Christmas night in the Netherlands. ? #eurolife
What makes this place so great. Peace on Earth and Fröhliche Weihnachten from Germany. ?????
DYK: Cologne, as in Drakkar Noir, was indeed invented in the city of Cologne? If you ever wondered.
From the streets of Saigon to the German autobahn! ??
Mobile mic man. Someone hire this mate!
Welcome to the jungle, we've got fun and games...
About last night: Appreciate this city/state more and more each time I step foot in it.
This place is growing by the day. #hochiminhcity #vietnam
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