Why did Evan shout out in Canto?! #FreshOffTheBoat @FreshOffABC #sochineez
Can't wait to read it! @JohnOates On His List: John Oates of Hall & Oates Has Book Deal - ABC News http://t.co/ipQRJJMttf
RT @MannyPacquiao: Thank you for visiting me @RondaRousey and for your support. God Bless! http://t.co/Dcflha6aFR
Being lifted from the Great Firewall is like poppin a zit. http://t.co/kee5fhD2gq
@LaiSheryl Welcome to the Twitterverse!
Thanks for the welcome to Beijing @ArchieKao! http://t.co/ttJZf756VN
Go Bears! Love that #IvanRabb is an ambidextrous player. http://t.co/ZXDIQfOVvr. #IgnorinThatAirBallFreeThrowThoughLOL
TV writers! Listen up! There IS more to life with Asian people than setting a storyline in Chinatown. I got faith in yall. You CAN do it!
RT @KingJames: Until we officially meet again, take care and continue to be that LEADER we all love! #RIPLaurenHill
Sincerely, LeBron Ja…
I've never been jealous of @BarackObama until now. @JohnOates @LFDHcom http://t.co/MT1W5hTtBU