Carl Tsang
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Rosanna & Lawrence's Pre-Wedding

在這裡跟大家分享一下Rosanna 跟 Lawrence 的 Pre-Wedding 婚照,希望你們會喜歡。


可從以下 link看更多: 相薄version純相片version

Photography & Light...Read more

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f-bjs.jpg 之前去了北京幫DJ Morett's 拍他今年全新一張CD的封套,還特別早上5點出發去了長城。


Photography: Carl Tsang @ CT。Photography

Lighting: Stanley Chan @ CT。Photography

Photoshop: Diego Zang

<...Read more

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Rosanna & Lawrence's Pre-Wedding Kits

Rosanna & Lawrence's Pre-wedding pictures and photo album are all ready.

All we are waiting is their big day next Sat which is on Nov 14, 2010. I am eager to that day as I am hoping to capture the most memorable moments for them.

Here is the preview of the pre-wedding kits they got from CT。Photography.

Their pictures will be released right after their big day as requested by Rosanna & Lawrence.

So please stay tuned !!!

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剛剛幫 HKB3拍完他們的手編嬰孩毛衣, 非常可愛的毛衣。

他們用100%手工而且選用外國嬰孩專用毛冷, 讓小孩穿上不會有皮膚敏感的問題。

天冷了,是時候買一件給你的小孩或者你朋友的小孩將會...Read more

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整個十月份到現在好像都沒有怎樣下過雨,突然間這兩天要外拍的時候卻下起雨來,可真讓人覺得這雨下的時間不對。沒辦法, 只好往下禮拜推吧。天公一定要造美呀。


上面這張是之前的婚禮當天早上拍的其中一張照片, 非常好玩的一群新人跟兄弟姊妹。

看更多請按這裡, 希望你們會喜歡。

Carl @ CT。Photography

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Back from Beijing

I have been in Beijing for 3 days for the new shooting for DJ Morett's new CD Set.

However, I am on my way to Taipei tomorrow morning until Sunday.

So stay tuned for new pics :-)

Below is the pic we took today in Beijing with DJ Morett's and Dani C.

...<aRead more

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The new season for La Liga is here and this year we have a new and probably better Real Madrid than last year. Below are my views :

  1. they got Mourinho as the coach which is probably one of the best these days.

  2. he maybe able to tame C. Ronaldo who got an ego way bigger than anything than the world we are living in.

  3. they got Carvalho who will be able to help their defence eventhough he's 32 but he should have 2 more years to go (finger crossed) and the new Ballack in Khedira.

  4. ...Read more
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T Mac & Shaq

Finally, T Mac is joining the Pistons and Shaq will play for his maybe last team in Celtics. Will they be able to help out and beat the Super Big Three in Miami ?

I don't think so.

To be honest, I really think that Miami will win this year and Celtics probably can't do much. Will Kobe be able to beat Super Big Three ? I doubt it.

Let's wait and see if Leborn will finally win it.

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DJ Morett's 4th CD - Summer 2010


It was the day right after I came back from Japan - we headed out and found our spot and produced this new CD cover.

DJ Morett's 4th CD will be released on August 14, 2010 @ Volar. Go get...Read more

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It's been a long time since we started on working on this project on the photography side and finally it's here !!!

Bonald Leung's debut album will be released in all CD Stores near you tomorrow.

Go get one as those are really nice songs.

Graphic & Art Design Concept: Carl Tsang @ CT。Photography

Graphic Design: Suki. T & Jason.H @ Stimulus Design Group Ltd.

Photography: Carl Tsang & Stanley Chan @ CT。Photography

Illustration: Suki.T @ Stimulus Design Group ...Read more

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
December 24, 2007