i have to join this : http://hk.promo.yahoo.com/video/invisibletarget/
now my video is Top 5!
and i will know more at 16/7 .
i love to shooting movie ,
i love to desing the action,
i love to find a good camera angle!
i love to try,
Some people signed in my hand! Ugly
this day we a shooting about the youth guy, i have some new Special think , i add the chinese opera Dialogue in the story, so they will talk at chinese opera. FUNNY ,
this day is very bad lucky,because when i arrives that place, i open my camera......did't work... ,Luckily I'm a safe person,...WHY I SAID THAT ??because i have a mini DV,haa! so i can use the mini DV to shooting the car stunt,the Quality is not good than my HD...but also lucky!
this is a new story by myself,in this story i'm a director ( but i want to do a actor in this movie) haa.
we will have car stunt,fire,fight,and so many funny!went i finish this movie i will post on here!
Fantabulous Friday meme
The most fantabulous thing is that i can back to home from hospital.My hand had broken one year ago,but i see the dotor last week. Funny.Now i can take a long rest,so it the most fantabulous thing for me.
When my family members or my friends feel sick,i will f...Read more
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