Celine H
歌手, 模特儿, 笔者
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Back to Perth...


Perth is said to be the most isolated city in the world. But it's one of my favorite cities.


And I am here now.

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  12 评论s  0 shares

台北出差中~ Celine in Taipei~


總算回到了朝思暮想的台北! 雖然是出差...

I am finally back to Taipei!...although it's for work...

17 年多 前 0 赞s  17 评论s  0 shares



Bullitt is such a man's movie. But because of Steve McQueen it is also a woman's favorite, if you dig understated cool guys.


It's a pretty slick movie. The original soundtrack is excellent.


But what I like the most is that the main character drifts between work and private life - work as the endless gru...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

中國生活步調 快美英四倍

今天在報紙上看到了這篇有趣的報導 - 這和中國古代神話裡的"天上一日, 人間一年"有什麼兩樣呢?


中國生活步調 快美英四倍


prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" / 

渣打資深經濟學家王志浩(Stephen Green)表示,通過計算一段時間內個體平均收入增長速度,可以粗略地衡量某一社會發生變化的速度,當掌握了各個國家的數據後,就可以比較增長速度的不同計,算出「中國年」。


據渣打的計算,美國和英國的一年分別相當於中國的2.8與3.1個月,換句話說,中國的生活節奏是英美的四倍,一個在中國生活兩年半的英國人在中國所見到...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

我生病了...! I am sick...!


這幾天發生了件很慘的事, 那就是...我居然食物中毒了!  (拖著虛脫的身體在這裡為您做實況報導...)


知道這件事的朋友都問我: "妳到底吃了什麼?! " 我其實真的沒有亂吃...


話說星期六晚上我們高高興興地到朋友家作陪客, 主要是邀請兩個各自代表英美的貴賓. 朋友家還自備廚師, 一頓飯吃下來十幾道菜酒足飯飽,  吃完了之後大家還很HIGH的到KTV續攤... 那時什麼事也沒有.


回到家之後, 半夜兩點開始我的肚子就開始隱隱作痛了... 我還傻傻地想說也許吃太多消化不良吧. 就這樣折騰了整個晚上, 到早上六點一夜沒睡的我已經到了發冷汗劇痛不已的地步...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  16 评论s  0 shares

Sure Thing by St . Germain

One of my favorite tracks. Never get tired of it...

Sure Thingby St. Germain.




17 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Funny Face

I spent the afternoon watching an old movie with my mum. We love Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire's "Funny Face" (1957). prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /


I just love the old movies with the typical prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /Hollywood happy e...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares




對我來說, 與其說是看電影, 不如說是為了我的回憶, 因為電影的場景就設在我唯一且短暫的台灣高中生涯. 我在淡江中學只待了短短的一學期,但滿滿都是甜蜜與苦澀屬於青春的回憶.


電影裡學生們奔走的長廊, 畢業典禮的大禮堂, 淡江有名的八角塔,一走進校門內綠蔭遮天的走道,還有英式橄欖球隊在綠地上操練的吼叫聲...


在校園裡的純純的愛, 那種相信世上最重要的只有你跟我, 其他的人事物只是附屬品, 我們只為對方而活的天真... 


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY9rAas-FMQ

17 年多 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

Wanna Be

Ok, where else can I show off my limited talent as a wannabe singer?


Early last year I went to a studio and recorded a 5 song EP as a gift to my mum. My mum has been my biggest fan - always the one with most enthusiam while others all went "oh come on, can we go now?" during my long solo karaoke sessions.


Of course, like a tone deaf person, I would never discover the truth about my singing. But I am happy in the belief that I could have become a singer "if only..."


So here you...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares


I just love the video clip. What a perfect match for the lyrics.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9l17XR74Ts

Dig By Incubus

We all have a weakness

But some of ours are easy to identify. Look me in the eye

And ask for forgiveness;

we'll make a pact to never speak that word again.

Yes, you are my friend.

We all have something that digs at us,

at least we dig each other.

So when weak...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares


戀愛是氧氣, 是最奢侈的保養品, 無法用錢買到的灌溉也最珍稀. On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, hokkien
July 18, 2007