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係2008年又是在salon看雜誌時看到的外國版「周惠敏」,真的好似呢。所以我叫你做「西敏子」﹣﹣有點像日本人的名字以前有很多人會想﹣﹣在世界的另一端會有另一個我的出現嗎?小明以前會50。50。但看到這張相和下面的相後,明仔認為世界無奇不有,天大地大是有很多東西可以是很有趣的:﹣)你們認為呢?西人版何CC,小明叫你做「西施」!係咪好似呢,移花接木都冇咁似呢!哈哈哈哈哈world is awesome!!!full of challenges n fun! i luv u  my world,my work,my songs,my friend,my lord,my.....Read more

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wil always remember ur words. ur support.blessed:-)maine

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welcome to maine's world

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blessed maine is thankful~

all tat i can tell is--dis is the best birthday i ever had,tat is so damn true.3 days of bd dinner wit good friends,lots of sharings,cheering good vibes all da time.wat can i say..blessed maine is a lucky lil gal:-)my second fans gathering wit my dear all,not much ppl,bt good enough to have such a wonderful memory:-)very warm indeed!im power up to work even harder,for u guys, for lil maine,for everyo...Read more

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明仔生日要多謝﹣﹣明媽媽子生左可愛明仔出來明仔生日要多謝﹣﹣一班好朋友仔(不用多但夠哂精誠!)明仔生日要多謝﹣﹣自己夠傻仔(要永遠開心過每天!好野!)明仔生日要多謝﹣﹣支持明仔的人仔!明仔生日要多謝﹣﹣對面屋的狗仔Volvo(每天同我打眼色!)thanks to: Elaine sHum,uncle fat, niki sister,25,Katrin JAI,GOO jai,vic c,CHu mimi,Kenji jai, Hata, goo bao,Zin zin jai,Tak jai,Dai c Heng,ar CHI,MR.chow sheng go...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

我愛你們!I lOVe U gUYSsS

我愛你們。你們每位都是我的英雄。為小明做的,我不曾認為是應份的。這時這刻。我心中的感覺最真實。工作中能得到愛的出現。是一種福氣。小明是有福氣的人仔。工作中,都市大世界裡可以是很公式化,冰冷的。但我看見的是一張張親切家人愛鍚的臉。它是我的蜜月期。雖然小明仍是小明,不是什麼的大人物。但你們的愛。令我的世界大了。因為有你們愛我。傻明會更加努力去做好本份。 唱好歌,跳跳跳好舞。由上年的追白髮至全斷﹣﹣你們都在身邊。排舞課上﹣﹣﹣你們都在身邊。買衣服4出搜尋﹣﹣﹣你們都在身邊。5花大縛拍至深夜﹣﹣﹣你們都在身邊。健身課上的提點﹣﹣﹣你們都在支持。多...Read more

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今日我們一行人有籃pongpong,曾生,伍生,呀賢,clayton.vicky fung.還有很多音樂人一起去電台做了個很有趣的訪問,當然仲有呀禮呢。。可以說一下創作的確是有趣事,亦是一件令人興奮的工作。除下平日歌手的身份,只談創作。大家都很開心很享受。明仔又稱為自拍王,梗要同大家合照來一張囉!開心的時候,小明真的會很多話講。煩得blue pong pong 都瘋了。哈哈哈哈哈別見怪。小明就是傻人一個。算了吧!okieeee! cheeseeeeeeeeeee![](/attachments/2009/05/01/18/346301_2009050118330259.jpg)呀禮很專心訪問我們。好野呀!呀賢「櫻花樹下」好好聽呢:﹣)Read more

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"i WAnNA bE sTROnG" MV

hey guys,share my latest mv " I wanna be strong" enjoy~thanks again to mv director Sai Wing.he lend us his house to shoot.how generous u ar,n how rude i am,hahha..after the crew n my company team checkin the mv,both saying like dun ever mess up wit maine.wow....hahah:-)its a reli nice piece,i luv it!hope u guys like it too!kool~leave comment would be nice after checking it! peace~ble...Read more

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smilies everywhere:-)

drizzle drizzle..light rain outside, hah,its not like my mood,hhaa..hapi maine again,when i check  my blog yesterday,tat is reli funi.thanks to all,yo messages is all lovely~actually,im a sunshine person,jus some time stil got fire ..damn..hhahaknowing tat things would be fine,jus keep on da hard work,others jus leave it to god.go with the flow.do my work as usual.everything wil be kool~lots of beautiful...Read more

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
December 12, 2008