It's nice to literally stop and smell the roses...And take a picture, and edit the pic, and than Instagram it. Same thing same thing.
Peek-a-Who? @coltonlhaynes @allymaki
The A team. @coltonlhaynes @allymaki @travisatreo
Hanging with Skye, Raina, and Mockingbird. Amazing costumes by the one and only @ann.foley ??
Is this a screen grab from the lion king? Or is it me @stephen_bw11 & @zachw96 on a beach? You'll never know. #TBT
Don't judge a cake by its frosting. GET IT?!
My cake.
Arthur is so excited that #agentsofshield is back on tonight. Are you?
Nyc for 20 hours. Hello goodbye.
At SHIELD they teach us how to pose dramatically. @imbrettdalton @lil_henstridge
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