Oh, I thought they were kinda good. https://t.co/cTAImnK3PS
I was asked to be Wei for game but couldn't make schedule work. Regret that. https://t.co/wujs4LtF0L
Super talented group! https://t.co/FMmmof5KDI
RT @MattTheLambert: Quinn is such a romantic #PuttingARingOnIt #intothebadlands #ColorMeBadlands
Just at that dinner? https://t.co/cKPZ6a1GU1
Very possible! Known him for years! https://t.co/YK7yLNwHaq
There is a plan. https://t.co/pq73DWEC9t
RT @WhoIsTiffIsMe: Sunny's doing an against all odds deal for Baron Chau. Giving up MK, leaving Bajie behind...
Or is he... #IntoTheBadlan…