Have you seen our wall in episode 2? https://t.co/MitPkappjv
RT @MattTheLambert: KungFu monks! Post-apocalyptic drug dens! Blood-stained snow! it must be Sunday #IntoTheBadlands #ColorMeBadlands @dani…
RT @CungLe185: @MattTheLambert @danielwuyanzu We don't want trouble but these kids be turning dark.
RT @TheRealAlGough: BADLANDERS! NEW EPISODE OF KUNG FU GOODNESS COMING RIGHT UP!! @danielwuyanzu preparing to kick Abbot butt...or will he?…
RT @ProfessorF: This is my favorite show! Kung Fu, dystopian wasteland, swords, blood!
@danielwuyanzu @IntotheBadlands
I didn't fight in that because I blew my acl a month before shooting and hadn't had surgery yet. https://t.co/8fvKObSHFb
RT @BlackNerdSquad: #IntoTheBadlands #BNSLands #BNSLiveTweets @danielwuyanzu and @CungLe185 fight scene!!!! https://t.co/9xAtOqkY5c
RT @RBuchel: Honestly, what other show has @CungLe185 fighting @danielwuyanzu ?! NONE! Only #IntoTheBadlands #BestShowEver
It's not my birthday but it was when this we shot this episode. Get ready for the return of @cungle185 and the rest of the abbots. Will Sunny finally get his rematch? Watch episode 6 of #intothebadlands tonight at 10pm on #amc #season2 #colormebadlands
If you watch the film I directed The Heavenly Kings, you will know I can't sing. https://t.co/KrJV8CxzJF