R.I.P. Florence Henderson. I must have watched every episode of The Brady Bunch at least 4-5 times growing up as a kid. That show was an integral part of my youth. What's your favorite Brady Bunch episode? Mine has to be the Hawaii trip double feature. #florencehenderson #bradybunch
Nice! You slicing turkeys over there too? https://t.co/NnEjdj0K7Y
Nice bitch slap! https://t.co/O1iepvTU2p
One of the most important things my parents taught me was that no matter what I do, I have to work hard. Working on a show like #intothebadlands requires %110 all day everyday. Not only do I need to survive the rigors of filming crazy fight scenes, intense drama as well as fulfilling my duties as an executive producer, I also need to stay in tip top shape. Being Sunny requires me to be like a well tuned race car. That means even after a long day on set, I have to find the time to workout. If I can't make it to the gym then I have to turn my home into one using old...Read more
I love that movie! The comic was one of my favorites! https://t.co/pSxU5BHz9D