RT @AHFanCon: A new line of defense: really hot androids. <3 em all @MichaelEaly @DarrenEScott @AnthonyKonechny @GarfieldWilson #SaveAlmost…
RT @JenCat004: @DarrenEScott Thanks SO much for the signal boost! We're gonna get #SaveAlmostHuman and u back on TV, NO MATTER WHAT! :) #na…
@MissKimH thank you. Have a great weekend
RT @JenCat004: @DarrenEScott Can you retweet this? We fans are NOT giving up! #SaveAlmostHuman :) Thanks much! :) http://t.co/h3snoOWy1H
RT @flybaby014563: #ff! @shakin4Luke15 @KarenLiljedahl @JerrodsBus @BlaireHanks @candicegaines @FallonTonight @DarrenEScott
Throwback Thursday. One of my first ever cover shoots for #TicTalkMagazine . Photos by the talented @petertjahjadi #tbt #watches #sexandwatches @ronaldliem https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.158802260813089.41461.158791117480870&type=3
More insight about how civil the protests are in HK http://t.co/HJStk7zd1d http://t.co/5L0hxxZ0OQ
@solely__ thanks for the follow ;-)
RT @Beldaran70: I want my MXs back!!! #MXLove #SaveAlmostHuman @DarrenEScott @netflix
Follow me on twitter @DarrenEScott www.darrenescott.com Do you feel cold and lost in desperation? You build up hope but failure's all you've known Remem