RT @JaneenFluffyJ: #AlmostHuman Steadfast in our love for a great show! @10willeke @RyanTConaty @DarrenEScott @NataliaQuique @SilkenSoul…
RT @Adian26: RT @DarrenEScott: #SaveAlmostHuman https://t.co/bgvoNN3i73
RT @Adian26: @DarrenEScott Monday tweet out to save #AlmostHuman 8pm ET, 7 CT, 6 MT, 5 PT; UK 1am; Japan 9am (#)SaveAlmostHuman http://t.co…
RT @garfieldwilson: @carmenchalet @DarrenEScott thanks for watching Carmen :)
RT @JDgirl4ever: #FF @TheDailyCountry @1061thetwister @MattThomasMusic @SCBackroadsBabe @tealsongbird @DarrenEScott @JLoganoFan22 @sjl21 …
@carmenchalet @garfieldwilson ur welcome
RT @carmenchalet: #FF @DarrenEScott @garfieldwilson Still missing #AlmostHuman! Thnx for being part of such a great show! #MuchLove guys! ?
RT @flybaby014563: #ff! @VikkiInspired @DarrenEScott @garfieldwilson @MonsterFactory3 @AlmostHumanFOX @estevezcheril
Follow me on twitter @DarrenEScott www.darrenescott.com Do you feel cold and lost in desperation? You build up hope but failure's all you've known Remem