@SarahLHaldenby @MartineArgent @LukeGoss Thank you ☺
RT @Abt77Thompson: You know, @DarrenEScott was pretty cute for a synthetic. (MX-43 "2") #AlmostHuman
@MissKimH Thank you
@MissKimH Good plans! And... #gohabs
RT @TVGuide: Betty won't be too happy when she finds out what Archie and Veronica are up to on #Riverdale https://t.co/S7jP3AkyZT https://t…
RT @neiltyson: Space Aliens may be surprised to learn that Humans have multiple languages & cultures and we kill one another because of it.
@MissKimH #rabbitstew hahahahaha ~ Elmer Fudd
@MissKimH Happy good friday to you too. Have a great weekend
@MissKimH Lol afraid not. Enjoy
RT @jfreewright: United. Fly the Friendly Skies. Friendly...like this boot on your throat.
Follow me on twitter @DarrenEScott www.darrenescott.com Do you feel cold and lost in desperation? You build up hope but failure's all you've known Remem