And Venus was her name... What a blessed soul. Memories from yoga graduation :) #yogalife #dkyoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogini #venus #gem
Little yogis everywhere!! @calithepurplepanda #yogaeverydamnday #yogalife #kidsyoga #parvatasana #suryanamaskar #happiness
Graduated from Yoga school! Thanks yogi sis Brianna. Yoga will never be the same without you. Namastay! #feelingveryemo #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday
Alright folks. If you're at home and still celebrating CNY, tune into Passage to China, premiering tonight at 9pm on Discovery TLC! 'Ties that bind' brings a full circle to my grandmother's heritage in China. Xin nian kwai le!! #cny #passagetochina #denisekeller #discoverychannel #tlc #china #tiesthatbind #hakka #confucius #reunion #culture #porpor
Happy New Year from China to Singapore!! Hosting Oscar-award winning composer TAN DUN at Gardens By The Bay with Bestie Ralf. I never thought I'd be bridging Singapore and China through Passage to China. Not in million years... #huayifestival #tandun #nushu #gardensbythebay #singapore #culture #cny #goat #china #passagetochina #denisekeller #huatah!