DJ台很危險 讓受過專業訓練的來!!! 11/22 在一個開心的環境下享受專業的dj演出吧 我們 (18TC) 2014.11.22(SAT) 18TC Presents DJ Noodles 見!
#makesomefunkynoise #姐的場子不會有這種狀況發生
Want to WIN our tickets to the 11.19 @OrlandoMagic vs Clippers game/happy hour? Each post counts as a chance to win, so follow the rules on the flyer, enter as much as you like, then come party w/ me for #MidWeekMagic!!
11/22 週六來 (18TC) 2014.11.22(SAT) 18TC Presents DJ Noodles shake your ass 一下吧! booking "2006DMC TAIWAN CHANPION" "THE FIRST FEMALE FINALIST IN DMC HI