Red Bull Thre3Style 2014 第二夜,恭喜來自巴西的女 Dj Cinara Martins 晉級至下一回合!
Girl Power!!!!!
(然後還沒去 DJ's Magazine 投百大 DJ 的朋友記得還可以趕緊去喔~)
9/15 號截止~
Does everyone hear that? 大家都看過這用20種Style翻唱聯合公園歌曲的影片了? That's so good. 而且他把 #Eminem 和 #MichaelJackson 都演繹得十分傳神喔!
My new single is out in stores everywhere today! #ShakeTheConcrete log on to Beatport, iTunes, Amazon, GooglePlay, and all other digital retailers and grab it!!!! Thank you for all the continued support, lets shake these clubs up! video coming soon! @therapistmusic
Tonight #Orlando come meet me and @thatdevastator at @bluemartiniorl @bluemartiniorlando_sin we're rocking tonight booking "2006DMC TAIWAN CHANPION" "THE FIRST FEMALE FINALIST IN DMC HI