Don't even know where to begin to talk about how proud I am of this guy @trazz9 - his new book is out now, and you can order it at - just search for Peter Johnson and get your copy of "15 things that your black friends won't do". Pete contacts my brother- this is so dope!
And another one... DJs- hitting your inboxes today new @ricky_martin @pitbull @djnoodles #MrPutItDown ???
再加碼謝謝老友米原大師支持 #MakeSomeFunkyNoise ??????!!在上海的朋友5/30-6/2 米原大師 #甜秘密 紅坊藝術園區開展喔~
Thanx for support master YONE!
今晚受邀擔任陳冠希潮牌 #Clot x #Kappa 聯名發佈會 DJ ,在上海也聽的到 #MakeSomeFunkyNoise 好感動~會場全力放送ing???~
516 DJ Noodles生日趴影片來摟!我的願望就是明年還要跟大家一起high!再次謝謝來參加的朋友& Room18 Taipei!
Special thanx to DJ Vicar, J.Shoen, Jackstarr* & lets keep #MakeSomeFunkyNoise !!
5/26- 5/28上海,有什麼好吃好玩的???? booking "2006DMC TAIWAN CHANPION" "THE FIRST FEMALE FINALIST IN DMC HI