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LiveLeak.com - Burger King admits it has been selling beef burgers and Whoppers containing horsemeat
Burger King has tonight admitted that it has been selling burgers and Whoppers containing horsemeat despite two weeks of denials. The fast food chain, which has more than 500 UK outlets, had earlier
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好想藝術說故事 包以正 從搖滾樂開始走進音樂的世界,因為追求深奧的學問,尋求挑戰,他闖進了爵士樂的嶺域。 數十年的演奏經驗,對爵士樂的喜愛是有增無減,直言比年輕時更熱愛,更享受在台上的每分每秒,特別是那個即興演奏的時刻,光是那一刻,也足夠讓他繼續玩下去。 爵士樂的靈魂便是即興,包以正被靈魂牽引著,繼續在爵士樂的自由國度裡馳騁。 (編導 馮家鍵) 好想藝術有笑聲 有權力又點,你有taste咩? 手執天下大權的領導謙,要你坐就...Read more
Sounds like very good advice...
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Me: "yes it does...now go to sleep !!!" My son: " daddy, does all your fat make you warm ?" Me: "yes it does...now go to sleep !!!"
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I just realised I'd pocket called 7 people from Japan....fark !!
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http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7e5_1358394788 LiveLeak.com - Son and dad share cigarette
Redefining the Media
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Major accomplishment..... I thought my mother SMS.
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http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ae5_1357598850 LiveLeak.com - Sound Engineers Hard Work
Wait for it..
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