21連勝!! 第八回合 K.O.!!!!!!!!!!! Congrtas to Rex Tso
第一次和 #傳鬥士 教練 #大隻耀 #李嘉耀 做直播廠出鏡,聽聞教練昨晚去了飲宴,幸好今早看來狀態不俗,或許肌肉發達能減輕浮腫 ?? Live on LeSports HK with #Mediators coach Dale Li we got Raptors vs Hawks, the highly-possible first round playoff matchup in the Eastern Conference. #WorkNeverStops #ThisIsWhyWePlay #LeSportsHK #NeverTooLate #老兵打不死 @ Lesports HK
6 days. 27 athletes. 4 tickets to Liebherr WTTC. 1 fantastic event. #Blessed
A 183cm Aquarius returned to Hong Kong from Canada in 2005. NBA Commentator in LeSports HK & NBA GLOBAL GAMES China official game MC since 2007.