Yet to arrive, but still wanna get off.? 明明還未到站✈還是很想下車?
"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." - Martin Luther King Jr.
O Canada!!
Welcome back DeMar DeRozan to lead the @Raptors against the Clippers today at Air Canada Centre. LIVE on @LeSportsHK with the legend #翁金驊 today #ThisIsWhyWePlay #WeTheNorth #416 #GoRaptorsGo #LeSportsHK #亞洲三分王 #天魔教練
A 183cm Aquarius returned to Hong Kong from Canada in 2005. NBA Commentator in LeSports HK & NBA GLOBAL GAMES China official game MC since 2007.
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