Kings medical staff indicates Rudy Gay suffered a torn left Achilles' tendon. An MRI scheduled for tomorrow will confirm the diagnosis.
"That breaks my heart." Dave Joerger on Rudy Gay
After work.... Keep working. Triple double ain't matter now!!! #Lunch #Homemade #HeadToHead #OKCvsGSW #Epic #KDvsWB #ThisIsWhyWePlay
Live on @LeSportsHK with #翁金驊 right now Learning from the legend every single time
How ALIKE do we want our kids to be? Watch and Share and Remind. #LetKidsBeKids
WOW!! Congratulations to Fiona LM Wong and your W.O.W. Things!
You know life is good when you wake up to this ??
「爸爸,我這次寫字好看多了吧?」 「仔仔,這是數學功課耶!」 「對呀,我所有number都乖乖留在方格裡面!」 ???
A 183cm Aquarius returned to Hong Kong from Canada in 2005. NBA Commentator in LeSports HK & NBA GLOBAL GAMES China official game MC since 2007.