Official Artist
Elizabeth Boon
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Flirting ? with these eyelash extensions. Yall can get basic eyelash extensions done at JUST $50 with your first trial at @ilash_bar. Visit http://ilash-bar.com/elizabeth to find out more, or click on the link in my bio!

over 7 years ago 367 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Done & dusted

over 7 years ago 639 likes  0 comment  0 shares

[friend takes photo] Him: omg it's so nice. Watching all that ANTM really paid off. ❤️ @jeanyipsg for the hair colour. So glad to be back to black.

over 7 years ago 737 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Jakarta I luv u. Can I stay forever.

over 7 years ago 755 likes  0 comment  0 shares

NEW VIDEO out on @eden_ang's Youtube. Press on if you're having exams now. ?? 加油!!! Also, pls don't cheat.

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over 7 years ago 247 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Weekend chill

over 7 years ago 681 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Shoutout to the best boyfriend in the world. Donated blood earlier in the day and was feeling really great till I collapsed in the middle of Dhoby ghaut. Noah got me water and rushed to get his car to send me home. A stranger offered panadol and another bought me a cup of milo. So much love from even people I don't know. I love Singaporeans. I love you @onlynoah

over 7 years ago 565 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Always itching to travel? Now, an ALL IN return trip to Hong Kong with Cathay Pacific costs only $199! ? Get the best prices with #dbsmisatravel. Only for DBS/POSB credit and debit card holders! Book your flights now! go.dbs.com/sg-MISAjunedeals @dbsbank #dbsmisatravels #dbsmisa

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over 7 years ago 564 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Media events so tough :'( 我的命好苦. Fav @changbeerglobal at @artbox_singapore. ❤️

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over 7 years ago 709 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Member Since
April 20, 2017
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Singapore, Singapore
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