Official Artist
Erica Chui
Actor , MC / Show Host , Model
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DAY9•回加 Rollin in Gastown at -2°C ?❄️? @ka.lam_

gastown #氣城 #vancouverbccanada #vancitylife #明明就是Canadian #卻被誤成tourist #imissvancouver #missthecoldness #mynewcamera #SonyCybershot #DSCRX100 #回加日記

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almost 7 years ago 157 likes  0 comment  0 shares

DAY8•回加 聖誕很簡單、卻超快樂。 Merry Christmas ❄️☃️????

回加日記 #聖誕快樂 #二人世界+1

about 7 years ago 136 likes  0 comment  0 shares

DAY4•回加 Pre-celebration with these three honey bunnies + 1 big kid + 1 big girl + great parents ???‍❤️‍???????‍???☃️?thanks for the delicious dinner and a warming night ? #talkativebabyboy #toyssharing #sisterlove #cinderella條裙用魔法棒在她身前輕輕揮動就會識著燈 #這個世代的玩具也太厲害了 #回加日記

about 7 years ago 135 likes  0 comment  0 shares

DAY3•回加 It has been 6 years already since the last time I spent xmas dinner with FTV! I'm such a lucky girl to have won a cash price again~ ??so happy to see lots of familiar faces and it sure brought back lots of precious memories! Thank you for including me in the FTV family :')! Congrats to @cheryl.yw.ng for becoming the new MCVP of 2017! ??All the best in HK and show them Vancouver Pride!!! ???#christmasdinner #fairchildtv #mcvp2011 #mcvp2017 #我老了? #我是華姨不是華姐 #回加日記

about 7 years ago 191 likes  0 comment  0 shares

回加•Day2 I am out of focus because my focus is on the people that matter most to me, or... maybe I just have to admit that my camera skills sucks. Haha. ??‍♀️Welcome home, Erica! ?❄️?? #回加日記

about 7 years ago 162 likes  0 comment  0 shares

回加•Day1 呢團黑色東東就是樂樂啦~ ?????

樂樂? #今年三歲半 #小男孩 #專長是把鞋子都咬爛 #小頑皮 #嗲到無人有 #回加日記

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about 7 years ago 105 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Lamborghini •Macau Had a blast at the Grand Opening of the new Lamborghini Macau Showroom! What an honour to MC once again for Lamborghini and witness such a momentous occasion! May the lion dance bring good luck and fortune to the new showroom! Congrats woot woot! ???????

lamborghinimacau #lambroghini #newshowroom #sincetheymadeitpossible

about 7 years ago 212 likes  0 comment  0 shares

血•觀音 「世上最可怕不是眼前的刑罰,而是那無愛的未來。」戲裹由斷手觀音開始,配合詭譎的氛圍、慢慢挖掘笑容和諧的棠家背後,什至以為是朋友或者愛人的深處,都是自私自利、機關算盡、讓人痛心的愛的束縛與掙扎。你以為棠夫人掌權掌控心計最完美、原來自己一手栽培的純真小女孩比她更奸。太可怕了!??紅姐精湛的演技令我完全代入其中,心也發寒了! 再一次謝謝 @rachelkakapong 的邀請! hair ??: @chrischenghair dress ?: @n12hfashion flap cover bag ??: @bulgariofficial

bulgarihk #bulgarix血觀音首映禮 #血觀音首映禮 #血觀音 #必修婦黑學 #flapcoverbag #serpentiforever #metalliccalfleather #lightgoldplatedsnake

about 7 years ago 143 likes  0 comment  0 shares


今朝一醒來便收到很多朋友 send 給我這條 link。謝謝 Kevin 恆仔的報導。「令人眼前一亮的女生。短頭髮、長腿、標緻的面孔,無一項不令人惑到窒息」的Elaine,也太誇張了。家人是家人,一輩子都分不開,今天的靠屋企人,希望將來可以做到讓他們依靠我、好好照顧他們。我會繼續做好自己。謝謝給我好評和負評的你們,因為都是讓徐頴堃成長的機會。????#我是 #徐頴堃 #溏心風暴3 #香港01娛樂 #其實我是2012年國際中華小姐 #不過無入決賽? #華姐pride?? #對不起我知我好多字 #謝謝閱讀

【溏心風暴3】徐少強女兒徐頴堃入TVB拍劇:監製唔好意思咁少戲份 《溏心風暴3》的劇情推進已經去到兩家合併後的爭奪,在許昌旺集團的公司裏,黃、許兩家的人物當然是焦點,不過如果眼利的觀眾,會看到公司門口的接待員有一個令人眼前一亮的女生。短頭髮、長腿、標緻的面孔,無一項不令人惑到窒息,劇中叫Elaine的她,看下去好熟口面,不過又好像未試過在TVB劇集見過她,究竟是何方神聖呢?

她的名字叫徐頴堃(Erica),如果你對她有印象,好大機會是有收看ViuTV節目《磚。家》,因為她是該節目的主持。又或是在2013年有留意國際中華小姐,當時她是排在第五名,在2011年的溫哥華華裔...Read more

about 7 years ago 432 likes  0 comment  0 shares

溏心•3 大家好!我是許旺集團的 Elaine~ ?? Like 哥 @yuenlouis 吩咐今天「奶茶幫」一家第一天來上班,一定要緊記他們所有人的名字。你記得幾多個???

溏心風暴3 #第七集 #溏心Elaine #專長講早晨 #等待高層來上班 #我的工作desk

about 7 years ago 228 likes  0 comment  0 shares


I am Erica Chui, and it's pronounced Chewy! :) Canadian ? Chinese ; Emcee / Actress/ Model/ Teacher ; Former I-Cable TV Host ; 2011 Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant (Champion).

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Member Since
January 24, 2017
Languages Spoken
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong, Hong Kong